Xing are hosting us for the first meetup of 2018!

Update: slides form the talks are here!

Ruby Hacks by Jan Habermann

How to not create an unbreakable monolith with Rails by Bruno Almeida

Rails engines by Gharbi Mohammed


Rails engines

When a monolithic Rails app reaches a certain complexity, it becomes hard to understand what each part of code does. In this talk, I'd like to introduce you how to build a large rails app modularized by engines to enforce an internal dependency structure.

How to not create an unbreakable monolith with Rails

In this talk I would like to show some cool Rails features like model callbacks, active record relationships, concerns, and MVC pattern that can make your application into a coupled monolith, hard to test and to get rid of dependencies.

For each case, use simple concepts of Clean Architecture to solve elegantly and decoupled.


Uczestników: (23)

Helmut Schmidt
Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Robert Sieg
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 30
Tematy: 6

Gharbi Mohammed
Wydarzenia: 10
Tematy: 1

Anna Kizilova
Wydarzenia: 14
Tematy: 0

Thomas Jachmann
Wydarzenia: 58
Tematy: 0

Peter Schröder
Wydarzenia: 82
Tematy: 12

Burkhard Vogel-Kreykenbohm
Wydarzenia: 19
Tematy: 1

Stefan Manneck
Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 0

Jose Luis López López
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Sarah Langheinrich
Wydarzenia: 23
Tematy: 0

Matthias Köntopf
Wydarzenia: 17
Tematy: 0


Jan Zaydowicz
Wydarzenia: 36
Tematy: 6

Martin Wilhelmi
Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 0

Andreas Litt
Wydarzenia: 25
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 68
Tematy: 0

Peter Golm
Wydarzenia: 23
Tematy: 0

Luka Dornhecker
Wydarzenia: 16
Tematy: 0

Johannes Strampe
Wydarzenia: 18
Tematy: 3

Wydarzenia: 30
Tematy: 0


Wydarzenia: 42
Tematy: 2


Irina Lindt
Wydarzenia: 31
Tematy: 0
